*While the issues may not be unique, we make the solutions unique to you.
and inform individuals to look at retirement differently. Everyone focuses on the financials of retirement and not the issues and decisions that they may face. Not having enough money is just one issue that we all face in retirement. You have to realize that retirement has different stages and in each stage, there are different issues that we face. While all stages have financial implications and concerns, there are other decisions that have to be made. Once we get people to realize that each stage has its own decisions and issues then you can plan both financially and emotionally for each Stage. Very important to note, we don’t talk about age, because the age that each of us enters each stage is different for all of us.
We start with the Go-Go Years the first phase of retirement… In addition to traveling and partying, there are a lot of questions and issues you will face. There are questions on Social Security and Medicare. The question, “Do I have adequate resources to provide for my family for the rest of our lives”. You need to be prepared. A best practice is to consult an advisor and prepare a financial plan with projections.
The next stage is the Slow-Go Years. This is usually where housing decisions are made. The steps in the house are a little steeper in your mind. Are the real estate taxes worth living in the house? You feel the cold a little more. How are housing expenses affecting my financial plan? A best practice is to consult someone and prepare a housing plan and evaluate the alternatives. Consider an assessment to see if the home is a safe place to live now and in the future.
The next Stage is the No-Go Years, the scariest phase. The human body is a machine. Both muscular and memory will wear and can’t always be repaired. At some point, it is likely, we will need some assistance. Whether it be simply transferring from a chair to standing up. Or, remembering how to transfer from the chair. We at Aging Issues Management have expertise in helping Individuals and families plan at this stage and we have the strategies on how to identify all the resources available. Evaluating care options and Medicaid Eligibility Planning are an important part of this stage.
The final phase is Gone. Unfortunately, as the quote goes, in life there’s nothing definite except taxes and death. We plan for both and can give you peace of mind that survivors can live comfortably or your Estate will pass intact to your heirs.
Each of these stages have many other decisions that an advisor will review and hopefully supply direction. Aging Issues Management starts the process with a personalized confidential interview to identify the decisions that stress you the most, housing, insurance, healthcare and end-of-life planning. We help you act on the needed decisions quickly and responsibly. Let Aging Issues Management help you address your planning needs now and in the future.
Joseph Soricelli AIFA,CMP
While the issues may not be unique, we make the solutions unique to you.
*Disclosure: Aging Issues Management LLC is a registered investment adviser. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Aging Issues Management LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. This website is solely for informational purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by Aging Issues Management LLC unless a client service agreement is in place.